Saturday, 25 June 2016

Lesson 3: Plan Phase

Project Based Learning
Plan Phase
3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
            List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone.
Classroom Instruction: Observing different lifestyle. Discussion on the observed facts. Mentor intervention (Meta Cognition table)
Select Student Group Formation(Student Groups)
Research: Understanding past lifestyle, food habits and importance of going organic  from online, offline and library  resources. (Research reports on comparison of past and present life styles and food habits)
Class Activity: Lecture on Alternative therapy (Music therapy)
Survey: on food habits (Survey reports)
Activity: Arranging a visit of dietician (Visit Reports)
Activity: Creating a “My Healthy timetable” (Chart)
Activity: Yoga a way of life by yoga experts( Reports)
Activity: Adopting yoga as a part of my lifestyle (Reports/student briefings)
Presentation:  My Changed Lifestyle: Importance of yoga, Sleep, healthy food habits in my lifestyle (presentation)
Celebration: A mini-organic fest for the school & parents community (exhibition)
                        Release of “Reboot, Recharge, Recoup  Life” (Health magazine )

3.2 Role definition:
            List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project leader & ICT supports: teachers will fulfill this role
Survey writer (all students will contribute to this)
Report making
Presentation author
Presenter (all students will take some part in the presentation)
3.3 Task schedule:
            Note start and end dates for the project.
                Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Project Start date: 29th June 2016
Project end date:  30th July 2016
Pre-Instructional Activity: Observing different lifestyle. Discussion on the observed facts. Mentor intervention (Meta Cognition table)

3.4Special Activities Plan:
                List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.
Lecture on Alternative therapy (Music therapy)- 04-07-2016
Activity: Arranging a visit of dietician (Visit Reports) on 07-07-2016
Survey: on food habits (Survey reports) report submission by 11-07-2016
Activity: Yoga a way of life by yoga experts( Reports) on 14-07-2016
Activity: Creating a “My Healthy timetable” (Chart) on 17-07-2016
Activity: Adopting yoga as a part of my lifestyle (Reports/student briefings) on 20-07-2016
Presentation:  My Changed Lifestyle: Importance of yoga, Sleep, healthy food habits in my lifestyle (presentation) on 24-07-2016
Celebration: A mini-organic fest for the school & parents community (exhibition)on 30-07-2016
Release of “Reboot, Recharge, Recoup  Life” (Health magazine ) – on 30-07-2016
Extension of project to the community: Awareness to parent & teacher community on 04 common Lifestyle disease and how to recoup life (Availability of Pre-diagnostic checkups like HbCAg, Mammogram, Papsmearetc.) on 30-07-2016
3.5Resource Plan:
List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.
Resource Room,
Computer lab
Human Resources
All Resources are manageable as of now and is flexible

3.6 Direct Instruction:
List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.
Discussion on the observed facts. Mentor intervention (Meta Cognition table)
Student Group Formation(Student Groups)
Lecture on Alternative therapy (Music therapy)
Survey: on food habits (Survey reports)
Activity: Yoga a way of life by yoga experts( Reports)
Extension of project to the community

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
                Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project
At the end of every week/milestone there will be a 20 minutes class conference to discuss progress, successes and challenges.
A checkpoint meeting for each team will be held for 10 minutes twice per week.
A peer-team review of the week work before the mentors review will be done so as to generate new ideas.

3.8 Assessment plan:
            Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project. List rubrics that need to be created before project launch.
Opportunities for authentic assessment will include: the surveys and results, , presenting  lifestyle health advice briefings.
First peer group assessment followed by mentor’s assessment through various tools.Formative assessment will primarily focus on the artifacts created by the students during the
project. Special attention will be paid to survey prototypes, learning journals and
presentation outlines

Summative assessments will be performed on the survey results, Team portfolios in blogs and emailspresentations on theimportance of healthy lifestyle and the portfolios of work.

Rubrics prepared: Survey questions and results rubric, Healthy living rubric, healthy lifestyle
presentations rubric, grading rubric.



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